November 2012

Colored Pencil Cardinal taught by Kim Main.
October 2012

A Peggy Harris design
Taught by Peggy Weiss
from Tole World Jul/Aug 2005, pg 10.
This is a picture of Peggy's finished piece
Taught by Peggy Weiss
from Tole World Jul/Aug 2005, pg 10.
This is a picture of Peggy's finished piece
September 2012

Gourd Basket to be taught by George New. This is George's own design. Gourd must be cut before painting.
August 2012

A Jamie Mills-Price design to be taught by Marie Loucks. From the Nov/Dec 2007, pg 72 of The Decorative Painter
July 2012

Ghost in Pumpkin taught by Betty Fergus
June 2012

Joretta Parker will be teaching this from Issue 1, 2011 of The Decorative Painter
May 2012

Noreen Engelland will be teaching this from The Decorative Painter, Issue No. 1, 2011
April 2012

A Chris Thornton Deason design taught by Linda Underwood
Suggested surface: 12 x 24 Gallery wrapped canvas
If using other surface resize pattern to fit.
This design uses DecoArt Texture Crackle, Texture Glass, Staining & Antiquing Medium. Laurie Speltz Stencils
Brushes: Large (1-1/2" for backgrouns) Fiberts, Angles, Liners
Background will be done at the April 11, Workshop at the Enterprise Public Library. 10:00 am.
March 2012

Taught by Joretta Parker
Medium: Watercolor
Designed by Rodney Ann
February 2012

Taught by Becky Kaslow
Medium: Oils
"Dazzling" designed by Donna Welch
Published in The Decorative Painter Magazine, 2006, Issue #4, page 54
Medium: Oils
"Dazzling" designed by Donna Welch
Published in The Decorative Painter Magazine, 2006, Issue #4, page 54
January 25, 2012

a Lynn Anderson design from the Winter 2008 Decorative Painter, taught by Noreen Engelland.