November 2014

12, 2014
Artist Travel Mug
Designed by Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
taught by Betty Fergus
Distinctive Brushstrokes
Artist Travel Mug
Designed by Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
taught by Betty Fergus
Distinctive Brushstrokes
October 2014

22, 2014
Santa Candle Pedestals
Designed by Sharon Chinn
taught by Patty Pfund/Gaynelle Mixon
PaintWorks December 2013, Page 80
Surface: Wine Glass
Santa Candle Pedestals
Designed by Sharon Chinn
taught by Patty Pfund/Gaynelle Mixon
PaintWorks December 2013, Page 80
Surface: Wine Glass
September 2014

24, 2014
Ghost Gourd
designed & taught by Dinah Hoover
Surface: Gourd
Ghost Gourd
designed & taught by Dinah Hoover
Surface: Gourd
August 2014

27, 2014
Santa Rolling Pin
designed Shara Reiner
taught by Susan Beauchamp/Sheila Hagler
PaintWorks December 2013, page 71
Surface: Rolling Pin
Santa Rolling Pin
designed Shara Reiner
taught by Susan Beauchamp/Sheila Hagler
PaintWorks December 2013, page 71
Surface: Rolling Pin
July 2014

July 23, 2014
A Forest Study
Taught by Joretta Parker & Marie Loucks
designed by Sharon Buononato, CDA
published in The Decorative Painter Magazine 2013 #1 pg. 84
Surface: 9" x 12" Hardboard (Masonite) panel
A Forest Study
Taught by Joretta Parker & Marie Loucks
designed by Sharon Buononato, CDA
published in The Decorative Painter Magazine 2013 #1 pg. 84
Surface: 9" x 12" Hardboard (Masonite) panel
June 2014

25, 2014
The Pear
A Study in Oils
taught by Marie Loucks
designed by Cheri Rol, MDA
The Pear
A Study in Oils
taught by Marie Loucks
designed by Cheri Rol, MDA
May 2014

28, 2014
Gaillardia on Batik
designed Pat Smelkoff
taught by Betty Fergus
published in the Decorative Painter Magazine 2013 #2 pg. 109
Surface: Fabric over Hardboard (Masonite)
Gaillardia on Batik
designed Pat Smelkoff
taught by Betty Fergus
published in the Decorative Painter Magazine 2013 #2 pg. 109
Surface: Fabric over Hardboard (Masonite)
April 2014

April 23, 2014
“Sea Ball” taught by Joretta Parker
designed by Ros Stallcup
published in GRAN'S Painting Place
Surface: 19" x 7" Hardboard (Masonite) panel
“Sea Ball” taught by Joretta Parker
designed by Ros Stallcup
published in GRAN'S Painting Place
Surface: 19" x 7" Hardboard (Masonite) panel
March 2014

March 26, 2014
"Cardinal Banner" taught by Sandie Mattingly
designed by Anne Hunter
published in PaintWorks, February 2014, page 41
Surface: Wood Banner
"Cardinal Banner" taught by Sandie Mattingly
designed by Anne Hunter
published in PaintWorks, February 2014, page 41
Surface: Wood Banner
February 2014

February 26, 2014
"Bloom on the Vine" taught by Marie Loucks
designed by Jamie Mills Price
published in Between the Vines 7
"Bloom on the Vine" taught by Marie Loucks
designed by Jamie Mills Price
published in Between the Vines 7
January 2014
2013 Paint-In Projects
November 2013

Sweet Gum Leaf
Watercolor & Colored Pencil
taught by Linda Underwood
designed by Debra Henkener
published in Quick & Easy Painting - Oct 2008, page 55
Watercolor & Colored Pencil
taught by Linda Underwood
designed by Debra Henkener
published in Quick & Easy Painting - Oct 2008, page 55
October 2013

"A Touch of Gold"
taught by Patty Pfund
designed by Chris Thornton-Deason
published in Quick & Easy Painting - Oct 2009, page 34
taught by Patty Pfund
designed by Chris Thornton-Deason
published in Quick & Easy Painting - Oct 2009, page 34
September 2013

"Hop Art"
SoSoft Fabric Paint
taught by Peggy Weiss
designed by Peggy Harris
pattern pack from SDP Convention
SoSoft Fabric Paint
taught by Peggy Weiss
designed by Peggy Harris
pattern pack from SDP Convention
August 2013

"Vermont Covered Bridge"
taught by Becky Kaslow
designed by Annette Dozier
published in Country Pathways - Vol. 2
taught by Becky Kaslow
designed by Annette Dozier
published in Country Pathways - Vol. 2
July 2013

"Wish It"
taught by Noreen Engelland
designed by Chris Thornton-Deason
pattern pack from SDP Convention
taught by Noreen Engelland
designed by Chris Thornton-Deason
pattern pack from SDP Convention
June 2012

"Flames in the Garden"
taught by Linda Underwood
original design by Linda Underwood
taught by Linda Underwood
original design by Linda Underwood
May 2013

"Funky Cats"
taught by Linda Sellars
original design by Linda Sellars
April 2013

"Winged Royalty"
taught by Becky Kaslow
designed by Sherry C. Nelson, MDA TDA
published in The Decorative Painter Magazine, 2011, issue 2
March 2013

"The Wedding Vase"
taught by Betty Fergus
designed by Sharon Teal-Coray
published in PaintWorks, Sept 2005, page 54
February 2013

Mixing Color (Oh My)
taught by Becky Kaslow
January 2013

"By the Beautiful Sea"
taught by Joretta Parker
designed by Sandi Strecker
2012 Paint-In Projects
November 2012

Colored Pencil Cardinal taught by Kim Main.
October 2012

A Peggy Harris design
Taught by Peggy Weiss
from Tole World Jul/Aug 2005, pg 10.
This is a picture of Peggy's finished piece
Taught by Peggy Weiss
from Tole World Jul/Aug 2005, pg 10.
This is a picture of Peggy's finished piece
September 2012

Gourd Basket to be taught by George New. This is George's own design. Gourd must be cut before painting.
August 2012

A Jamie Mills-Price design to be taught by Marie Loucks. From the Nov/Dec 2007, pg 72 of The Decorative Painter
July 2012

Ghost in Pumpkin taught by Betty Fergus
June 2012

Joretta Parker will be teaching this from Issue 1, 2011 of The Decorative Painter
May 2012

Noreen Engelland will be teaching this from The Decorative Painter, Issue No. 1, 2011
April 2012

A Chris Thornton Deason design taught by Linda Underwood
Suggested surface: 12 x 24 Gallery wrapped canvas
If using other surface resize pattern to fit.
This design uses DecoArt Texture Crackle, Texture Glass, Staining & Antiquing Medium. Laurie Speltz Stencils
Brushes: Large (1-1/2" for backgrouns) Fiberts, Angles, Liners
Background will be done at the April 11, Workshop at the Enterprise Public Library. 10:00 am.
March 2012

Taught by Joretta Parker
Medium: Watercolor
Designed by Rodney Ann
February 2012

Taught by Becky Kaslow
Medium: Oils
"Dazzling" designed by Donna Welch
Published in The Decorative Painter Magazine, 2006, Issue #4, page 54
Medium: Oils
"Dazzling" designed by Donna Welch
Published in The Decorative Painter Magazine, 2006, Issue #4, page 54
January 25, 2012

a Lynn Anderson design from the Winter 2008 Decorative Painter, taught by Noreen Engelland.