SDP Conference, Witicha, KS May 2012

Noreen and Linda went for the whole week. Gaynelle and Judy for just a couple of days.
We helped celebrate The Society of Decorative Painters 40th Anniversary - Ruby - Flights of Fancy
We brought back things to keep you covered both inside and out and you can paint on both. You would never think of one of them as a surface. You'll paint them in upcoming projects. We got some new ideas. I hope we can remember them. We painted some great projects and Noreen, Linda and Gaynelle won something. We were the first to see some great new products from DecoArt.
We had a great time. Look at the slide show below. Wait for it to load. There may be more when Noreen adds her pics.
We helped celebrate The Society of Decorative Painters 40th Anniversary - Ruby - Flights of Fancy
We brought back things to keep you covered both inside and out and you can paint on both. You would never think of one of them as a surface. You'll paint them in upcoming projects. We got some new ideas. I hope we can remember them. We painted some great projects and Noreen, Linda and Gaynelle won something. We were the first to see some great new products from DecoArt.
We had a great time. Look at the slide show below. Wait for it to load. There may be more when Noreen adds her pics.